What is Electro-Acupuncture and How Can it Help?

What is Electro-Acupuncture and How Can It Help?

At Peter Lok Acupuncture, we are pleased to offer a unique form of acupuncture called electro-acupuncture. Whether you are new to acupuncture or are a seasoned veteran, we want to share more about this new treatment method and how it can benefit you.

Electro-Acupuncture in Las Vegas

Electro-acupuncture has been around in some form since the 1930s. It combines traditional acupuncture techniques with a gentle, pulsing electrical stimulation. In the electro-acupuncture process, we have an initial consult just like we do in acupuncture. We then insert thin acupuncture needles to your body’s meridians to simulate your qi. Finally, we attach small electrodes to some of the needles to further stimulate your qi.

The electrodes provide a soothing stimulation that can deepen the effects of your acupuncture treatment. The pressure is not intense; in fact, many of our patients find that it is very relaxing and not at all distracting.

This treatment is pain free and gentle, just like a typical acupuncture session.

Why Choose Electro-Acupuncture?

Electro-acupuncture works very well to treat injury recovery, muscle spasms, chronic pain, or neurological problems. The gentle stimulation increases the flow of blood to needled areas, which can help the body heal from injuries or burns by increasing oxygenation. Paralysis also responds to electro-acupuncture in some cases, we are happy to report.

While electro-acupuncture is particularly helpful in these scenarios, it can be used to complement any acupuncture treatment. If you would like to see what it feels like to have electro-acupuncture, then we invite you to ask! We would be happy to show you the electrodes that we use, explain how electro-acupuncture could assist your individualized treatment plan, or attach an electrode to one of your needles so you can feel the pulsing stimulation for yourself.

Are you ready to accelerate your body’s healing with electro-acupuncture?

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