How Can Acupuncture Improve Your Circulation?
The ability of acupuncture to improve blood circulation is based on principles of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), or the natural regulation of blood flow and qi throughout your body. Central to TCM are four primary acupoints integral to optimizing physiological functions, including the Zusanli (ST-36) point associated with your immune, digestive and circulatory systems. According to research study results presented at the 2014 IEEE International Conference, acupuncture at the ST-36 site significantly elevated peripheral blood flow while augmenting gastrointestinal functions.
How Acupuncture Increases Blood Circulation
In addition to stimulating the release of stagnated energy, acupuncture dilates constricted blood vessels that inhibit blood flow while enhancing nutrient distribution and waste removal. The beneficial effects of acupuncture at the ST-36 point can also help lower blood pressure, promote vascular system health and boost energy levels as your qi is no longer prevented from flowing freely through the body. In another peer-reviewed article, subjects presenting high, ambulatory blood pressures experienced significant reductions in their BP following treatment with acupuncture. In fact, when these same subjects stopped receiving acupuncture, their blood pressure rose to previous levels.
Scientists believe that acupuncture directly signals the human nervous system, causing it to release numerous biochemicals that have a positive influence on blood, tissue and brain cells. The nervous system is also intimately linked to the endocrine system which produces hormones vital to self-healing and overall well-being. When a skilled acupuncturist “needles” specific points along your body’s meridian, therapeutic hormones such as substance P, endorphins and peptides flooded the bloodstream, correcting unhealthy conditions such as poor circulation, diabetic peripheral neuropathy and loss of energy due to blocked blood flow.
What is the “Needling” Sensation?
Described as a tingling, numbing, warm sensation, needling performed by an acupuncturist is necessary for accessing your qi and releasing it from stagnation. The unique feeling caused by needling is called de qi and tells the acupuncturist that your body is responding appropriately. Some people have also reported the needling sensation as feeling “refreshing”, “electrical” and “relieving”.
Start eliminating health issues related to poor circulation today by calling us at the Lok Acupuncture Clinic and scheduling an appointment with Nevada’s most in-demand acupuncturist, Dr. Peter Lok.