Acupuncture Treatments in Las Vegas
Dr. Peter Lok’s acupuncture treatments are most often sought after by patients seeking relief from musculoskeletal complaints, including neck, back and joint pain. He also provides relief for patients suffering from severe migraine and other headache-related problems. His acupuncture treatments frequently provide noticeable benefits for a very wide range of conditions, including sports injuries, sciatica, arthritis, infertility, anxiety, back pain, neck pain, migraines, vertigo, insomnia, bell’s palsy, depression, abdominal pain, gout, and fibromyalgia.
Dr. Lok’s acupuncture treatments in Las Vegas have minimal discomfort and he uses only disposable needles. For certain cases, his therapy can provide varying results within the first session; however, patients generally require several treatments in order to ensure extended benefits. His practice provides a complete range of acupuncture services for patients of all age groups.
In the comfortable and relaxed setting, clients never feel rushed. Dr. Lok takes the time to analyze each individual’s unique condition and always allow sufficient time to fully answer any questions, in easy-to-understand terms.
The following are some medical problems that can be improved with acupuncture at LOK ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC in Las Vegas or in conjunction with western medicine from your referring physicians. Call Lok Acupuncture Clinic at (702) 732-0178.
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Psoriatic Arthritis
• Sjogren Syndrome
• Osteoarthritis
• Gout
• Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
• Bursitis
• Tennis Elbow
• Fibromyositis
• Spasmodic Torticollis
• Neck and Shoulder Pain
• Low Back Pain and Sciatica
• Planter Fasciitis
• Headache/Migraine
• Vertigo
• Insomnia
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Tremors
• Parkinson
• Tics
• Peripheral Neuropathy
• Causalgia
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Drug Dependence – Alcohol, Opiate, Smoking
• Acute/Chronic Bronchitis
• Bronchial Asthma
• Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
• Tinnitus
• Meniere’s Disease
• Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
• Rhinitis
• Sinusitis
• Double Vision
• Abdominal Pain
• Gastritis
• Constipation
• Colitis
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome
• Gas
• Abdominal Bloating
• Menopause
• Infertility
• Morning Sickness
• Endometriosis
• Chronic Bladder Infection
• Pruritus
• Psoriasis
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine NCCAM at the National Institutes of Health NIH has the NIH Consensus Statement Volume 16, Number 16, November 3-6, 1997 on Acupuncture. It states its conclusions as follows …
Acupuncture as a therapeutic intervention is widely practiced in the United States. While there have been many studies of its potential usefulness, many of these studies provide equivocal results because of design, sample size, and other factors. The issue is further complicated by inherent difficulties in the use of appropriate controls, such as placebos and sham acupuncture groups. However, promising results have emerged, for example, showing efficacy of acupuncture in adult postoperative and chemotherapy nausea and vomiting and in postoperative dental pain. There are other situations such as addiction, stroke rehabilitation, headache, menstrual cramps, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain, osteoarthritis, low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and asthma, in which acupuncture may be useful as an adjunct treatment or an acceptable alternative or be included in a comprehensive management program. Further research is likely to uncover additional areas where acupuncture interventions will be useful.