About Lok Acupuncture Clinic in Las Vegas
Peter Lok Acupuncture in Las Vegas focuses on providing solutions that promote pain reduction and chronic illnesses. We emphasize health and wellness, pinpointing areas that may develop into ailments before they occur. Our philosophy is simple – educate our patients on the benefits of acupuncture and how healthy alternatives can help alleviate symptoms and maintain great health.
Our team is trained to provide the best service and treatment possible to assist in achieving your wellness goals. We tailor all solutions for each individual patient to ensure every objective is met throughout the ongoing learning process.
How can the clinic assist me?
Our services are designed to provide healing and pain relief through a number of treatment options. We provide a safe and comfortable environment, wellness education, and alternatives to medicine that may work to your benefit. We utilize holistic methods of treatment before any solutions involving medication are recommended.
We treat ailments ranging from arthritis, anxiety, migraines and headaches, back pain, weight gain and obesity, and a number of other symptoms that affect the quality of life.
What services does Peter Lok Acupuncture in Las Vegas offer?
We offer a variety of services, including acupuncture, cupping, electro acupuncture, heat therapy, and supplements to aid in wellness treatment. Here is a brief breakdown of what each technique does:
Needles are used for stimulation on varied areas of the body to aid the body in producing natural chemicals that help ward off pain.
This treatment utilizes small glass cups with heated air to produce a suction that mirrors a light massage to stimulate the blood and relieve tight areas.
This is similar to the standard form of acupuncture, but with less time and different methods. An electrical current is passed between the acupuncture needles to stimulate the area and help alleviate pain.
Heat therapy is used to relax the muscles and provide healing through warms and comfort. It is frequently used simultaneously with other treatment methods for optimal effects.
The supplements we recommend to our patients are all natural herbs and probiotics that improve patient health without pharmaceuticals. We support the health of the entire body through natural treatments to help enhance the immune system. We also recommend healthy teas that promote healthy living.
We look forward to sharing with you all the many benefits that Peter Lok Acupuncture has to offer. Come discover how we can assist you and help you on the road to recovery. We offer treatment plans that accommodate any schedule and work with most insurance companies. For more information on how we can meet your needs, or additional information on the Peter Lok Acupuncture clinic, contact us to schedule an appointment today at (702) 732-0178!
Welcome to Peter Lok Acupuncture in Las Vegas, your health, wellness and healing specialists!